Often, in fact more often than not, people who seek the care of a Physical Therapist are hoping to rid themselves of some form of pain. “Just make it go away” or “I just want to have my life back” reflect for some, the extent to which pain can interfere with one’s wellbeing. And yet from another quote, “I had no idea how bad it was until it was gone” speaks to our resiliency to push on despite the consuming burdens of persistent pain.
Regardless of one’s personal response to pain, its presence, again often has a very important yet obscure message to voice. Obscure in this case meaning, the source or cause of the pain cannot always be tied directly to a specific injury, leaving one with the help of a Physical Therapist specializing in pain resolution to unravel the contributing influences.
Herein lies the fascinating rub. The combined annoyance and persistence of pain inherently disrupts our lives we had grown to “know”. When in fact, we to date had either missed all together or pushed back early warning signs (accumulating straws) or the encouragement from those who care about us until that final “straw” that leaves us victim of our own current believed to be, selves. Note, that there is no intended character flaw insinuation in this conversation, rather that pain can offer a very “blessing in disguise” outcome should we seek to truly find ourselves within our healing experience.
In this level of combined reflection and devotion to truly healing, we each, therapist and patient alike have our roles to contribute to the desired outcome, for pain to either go away for good or at a minimum become manageable – knowing we have successfully identified the contributing factors along with the necessary measures to bring about our most favorable personal recovery. At such a reflection point there is growing evidence of the benefit for maintaining a devotion to professionally assisted care albeit at a reduced frequency (generally once every 3 to 4 weeks), which provides you the assurance that your efforts to date are neither eroded nor your path forward, compromised.
Within such a progression of care, you will be encouraged and guided as needed to venture back into the level of life activity reflective of both your current life requirements along with your personal interests. Often within this stage of recovery it is frequently reported to be both a blend of liberation, like I am “really getting there,” while at the same time can be a little fearful – thus making such a commitment reassuring to have the safety net to both monitor as well as progress you to your fullest extent of available healing.
Committing yourself to a holistic based physical therapy program can be truly life enhancing when it comes to supporting your long-term health and well-being. As such, the benefits far outweigh the cost, as devoted personalized sessions provide you with both meaningful and lasting value—helping you move with greater ease, stay pain-free, and fully empowered to engage in life. By committing yourself to your deeper levels of need, you become empowered to live as your whole self-versus perpetually wondering if your pain will return. A new year has dawned, empower yourself with the monthly support of holistic physical therapy and resume enjoying life with replenishing confidence. If you’re hesitant to such a devotion to yourself, consider giving it a try for a few sessions to experience the benefits firsthand (Yes, you are worth such an investment!). Finally, yes, we are by nature resilient, but often we are carrying far more through life than we can truly bear. Move beyond, getting by, to celebrating the wonderful in you.
Contact Anne 402-502-3014 today and let’s devote to your movement health in 2025 and well beyond.
Cheers, to enabling life to replenish!
Dan Miller, PT, MS